Monday, March 24, 2014


10 different images from various angles showing off different locations in my level:

20 different items I would like to model in Maya:

BG prop

Carry object

BG prop
 BG prop

Puzzle prop

Frame yes! Mirror?

Tunnel lighting

Railings...need railings

Haunted house door

Mine cart ride


Needs tracks

Puzzle prop

Roof, windows, and a fence.  It needs a fence

This ones gonna be tough

BG should be simple, can be stationary 

This one again for the beams

Going to hide my jump pad under this

Bumpable actors

This one might suck to make


Monday, March 10, 2014


Figured I'd start with the fun stuff.

This is the ring-toss stall on the left, followed by random carny games.

At one point this was a swing ride.  Currently it is better suited to prevent open world exploration.
This project is on hold at the moment until I figure out if I'll be able to make it fall in game.

Tunnel of Love.  BG, not a playable part of the level.

The haunted house (and some lovely tents.) 
Player spawns behind haunted house and has to explore it before the reveal that this level is a carnival.

An overview of the level so far.

TITLE - Fissure

Game High Concept - Following an earthquake, gremlin like creatures swarm the streets.  While not directly hostile, their love of destruction wreaks havoc almost instantly.

1- Levels & Objectives

1. Neighborhood
i-  where/when- location? ---From "your" house, down the street, and through backyards

ii- Objective- what do you have to do?  ---Player must use puzzle solving techniques to elude gremlins, and escape to the woods

iii-Items-  what new items or skills can you gain? ---Player learns basic controls and simple puzzle solving.

iv- Obstacles- can be actual characters or even elements of the environment itself ---Creatures toy with the environment to block the path/kill you/taunt you, but do not attack the player directly

v-  Actions- What do you actually get to do in this level?  ---Use puzzle solving to advance while avoiding creature havoc

vi- End Goal- What is the end goal of each level? what do 
    you have to do to reach  the end of the level and move on to the next?  ---escape the neighborhood by reaching the woods

2. Carnival

i-  where/when- location? ---A recently deserted carnival

ii- Objective- what do you have to do?  ---Player must use puzzle solving techniques to elude creatures, and escape to the next level

iii-Items-  what new items or skills can you gain? ---More complex puzzles then level 1.  Pick up objects to be introduced

iv- Obstacles- can be actual characters or even elements of the environment itself ---Creatures toy with the environment to block the path/kill/taunt you, but do not attack the player directly

v-  Actions- What do you actually get to do in this level?  ---Use puzzle solving to advance while avoiding creature havoc

vi- End Goal- What is the end goal of each level? what do 
    you have to do to reach  the end of the level and move on to the next?  ---find a path through the carnival

3-7 Mall, Construction, College, Airport, and Military Base

These levels are all extremely mind blowing, unfortunately production has halted, and they will likely be dropped from the title due to budgeting constraints.   I have been advised that I cannot speak more about them in any detail due to NDA agreements, except that fluffy bunnies were slated to become a major element of gameplay.  I appreciate your concern, and will look into releasing them as individual DLC at a future date.

2- Plus draw a map of your game level. Label all of the above things on your map.

I have already been rearranging parts of the map, including the path of progression.  Focus tests (performed on immediate family members) have indicated that it would be better to path from the woods directly into the haunted house, before the carnival reveal.  This makes for a much more intense end user experience, because at this point in the level, the player doesn't realize what the set piece is yet.  The dodge the ship puzzle is better suited as a grand finale because it's probably going to be one of the more complicated pieces.  Also rather then path them from the Mine Cart ride directly to the exit, I feel it would be better to path them in more of a "C" pattern through the map, to extend gameplay, as well as to capitalize on background assets by forcing the player through, or at least closer to them. And to sum things up, I suck at MS Paint.

Here is the new concept art that I referenced this week:

Monday, March 3, 2014


Here is provided concept art:

Here is my blocked out level based on the above concept art:

I highlighted specific sections to display detail

Here is concept art I collected thus far: